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A Message From Bear Grylls

An update on our March article for the 1st Fazeley Scouts!

Dear editor,

I can’t believe it’s already been four months since 1st Fazeley Scout Troop opened in January 2024. What an amazing team they are, and I couldn’t be prouder of everything they’ve achieved.

In that time, they’ve welcomed over 14 young people. They’ve equipped them with skills for life – helping them play their part in the local community. They’ve learnt the power of believing in themselves and others and how together they can do so much more.

They’ve camped together, cooked together, learnt digital skills; discovered more about their area and helped bring the community closer together too. They’ve met new and different people outside their school and local area helping them gain new perspectives. Scouts has given them the courage to learn more, do more and be more.

I’m so proud of everything 1st Fazeley has achieved – not least the incredible kindness and generosity of our adult volunteers who make it possible. These are ordinary people from local communities who make an extraordinary difference.

To be a volunteer in Scouts you don’t need incredible outdoor skills or know how to use a map and compass. We can teach you all that. What’s really needed is a smile, patience and willingness to share a little time to help others. I promise you’ll get back ten times what you put in – including new skills, new friends and a renewed sense of the difference we can make when we work together.

The team at 1st Fazeley have already done so much in just four months. But just think what they can do in a year! They’re unstoppable and I’ll be cheering them on every step of the way.  Be part of this amazing success story and volunteer today.

Congratulations and very well done to all our Scouts and volunteers (past, present and future!)

Bear Grylls OBE

Chief Scout

For further information please


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