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A Theatre Hat-Trick

by TACT (Total Arts Community Theatre)

TACT (Total Arts Community Theatre) Win British Final of The All England Theatre Festival for the 3rd consecutive year!

The team from Tamworth returned triumphant after representing England in Perth with their performance of “The Real and Imagined History of The Elephant Man” The cast of Stephen Fortune Smith who played Joseph  Merrick (The Elephant Man) and Ev Bell who played Young Joseph received high praise for their performances, supported by the ensemble of outstanding multi role playing by Susie Dudley, Tracey Jenkins, Ciera Jones, Alison Rogers, Sue Fortune and Rebekah Fortune Smith who also directed the creative piece. Music and Lights as an integral part of the production were beautifully designed and operated by Alex George.   The adjudicator described it as: 

“A superb production. The attention to detail was outstanding. TACT are a dynamic ensemble and always find the most exciting visual images for the audience to enjoy.”

In order to reach the British Final the group had to take part in the different stages of the competition. They started at the Rose Theatre Rugeley, then progressed on to represent the Midlands before moving on to win the English Final of the All England Theatre Festival. 

Paul Fowler Chairman of the Guild of Drama Adjudicators, who crowned the group as winners at  the English Final described the  TACT performance  as:                                                    

“A production full of creativity and insight, with nimble, versatile performances that gave us not just a feast for the eye and ear but also the head and the heart. A densely detailed exploration of the humanity at the core of The Real and Imagined History of the Elephant Man” 

Unlike many of the other teams the group do not have a regular theatre space or financial support, but what they do have is commitment and dedication both from the actors, technicians and set builders Dave Fortune and Roger Hainge. Web master Phil Rogers, Costumes are created by Alison Rogers assisted by Sue Fortune and set design and art work by Tracey Jenkins. Although the group has amateur status they strive as a group to be professional in outlook and performance.

 The group will be performing  a Fund Raising November production of Pride and Prejudice (sort of) a comedy spoof. Details of dates and tickets can be found on

IMPACT youth theatre will start their workshops and  rehearsals in September at Two Rivers Primary Amington on Fridays 5.30pm till 7.30pm   The group is directed by Sue Fortune and Rebekah Fortune-Smith. We welcome new members from 9 years to 18 years. For more details contact   


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