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Autumn Chores

September is a transitional month in the garden, as we bid farewell to summer and prepare for the cooler months ahead. It's the perfect time to tackle some essential garden chores to ensure a healthy and vibrant landscape.

Clean up: Start by removing any dead or decaying plants, fallen leaves, and debris from your garden beds. This helps prevent the spread of diseases and pests and keeps your garden looking tidy.

Divide and transplant: September is an ideal time to divide and transplant certain perennials. Overcrowded plants can be divided and replanted to rejuvenate them and promote better growth. Be sure to water the transplants regularly until they establish themselves.

Pruning: Assess your shrubs and trees for any dead or diseased branches and prune them accordingly. This promotes healthier growth and shapes the plants for the coming seasons. Remember to avoid heavy pruning of flowering shrubs, as you may risk cutting off next year's blooms.

Lawn care: September is a great time to give your lawn some attention. Continue regular mowing, but gradually reduce the height of the grass. Apply lawn food or fertiliser to encourage root growth and repair any summer damage. Consider seeding any bare patches or over-seeding the entire lawn for a richer, fuller look.


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