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Great Gardens!

Get your garden in shape during gardening week from 29th April!

Spring is a delightful time of the year with plenty of  opportunities between showers to get back into the garden after a long winter. As the days grow longer and the weather begins to warm up, there are several perfect garden jobs you can tackle to prepare your outdoor space for the season ahead. Here are some tasks to focus on this Gardening Week!:

Prepare the Soil: Start by preparing the soil for planting. Remove any weeds, rake the soil to break up clumps, and add organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure to enrich the soil. This will provide a healthy foundation for your plants.

Prune and Divide Perennials: This is the ideal time to prune and divide established perennials. Remove dead or damaged growth and divide overcrowded clumps of plants to promote better growth and flowering. Be sure to water them well after transplanting.

Plant Cool-Weather Crops: Take advantage of the cooler weather to sow seeds or plant seedlings of cool-season vegetables such as lettuce, radishes, peas, and kale. These plants thrive in cooler temperatures and will provide an early harvest for your kitchen.

Tidy Up Beds and Borders: Give your garden a clean and tidy look by cutting back any remaining dead foliage from winter and removing fallen leaves. This will not only improve the appearance of your beds and borders but also reduce the risk of disease and pests.

Feed the Lawn: Spring is an excellent time to give your lawn some tender loving care. Apply a slow-release spring lawn fertiliser to encourage healthy growth. Also, consider aerating your lawn to improve its resilience and water absorption.

Plant Annuals: Brighten up your garden with the vibrant colours of annual flowers. Plant bedding plants such as pansies, primroses, and wallflowers to add a burst of colour to your borders and containers.

Start a Compost Bin: To reduce waste and create nutrient-rich compost for your garden, start a compost bin. Begin adding kitchen scraps, grass clippings, and garden waste. Turning the pile regularly will help speed up decomposition.

Check for Pests: Stay vigilant against pests that may start emerging as the weather warms up. Regularly inspect plants for signs of damage or infestation, and take appropriate measures to control them using organic methods.

Remember to take regular breaks, stay hydrated, and protect yourself from the sun while working in the garden. Spring is a time of renewal and excitement in the garden, so embrace the season and enjoy the rewards of your hard work as your garden flourishes throughout the year. 

Happy gardening!


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