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Gruesome Snacks

Blood Punch


• Frozen Cherries, 1 500g bag

• Sanguinello Blood Orange Juice, one carton

• ½ small Chilli pepper (deseeded)

• Cinnamon sticks

• Cloves

• Fresh ginger, peeled


• Defrost the cherries and blitz in a food blender until a smooth pulp.

• Add to a large saucepan with blood orange juice, chilli, cinnamon sticks, cloves and ginger.

• Simmer for 5 mins, then turn off the heat, when cool strain the punch through a fine sieve.

• Chill for a few hours or up to 2 days – the longer you leave it the more intense the flavours.

• If serving to young children, take the chilli out after simmering or skip altogether.

• If you want to make a grown-up version, feel free to experiment by adding your preferred alcohol for a boozy cocktail!

Eyeball Bites


• Small Mozarella Balls

• Green Olives

• Black Olives

• Tomato Puree


• Place the small mozarella balls on a plate or serving board (a stainless steel plate with forceps would be suitably gruesome serving method).

• Squeeze a small amount of tomato puree onto each mozarella ball.

• Slice the green olives into rings and place one ring on each mozarella ball.

• Slice the rounded end off the black olives and place on top of the green olive to create a pupil for your delicious eyeball snack.

Corpse Finger Cookies


• 225g Softened Butter

• 150g Icing Sugar

• 1 Egg, whisked

• 1 tsp Vanilla Extract

• 350g Plain Flour

• 1 tsp Salt

• ¼ tsp Baking Powder

• 110g Whole Almonds

• Ground Cinnamon or Cocoa Powder

• Strawberry Jam


• Mix the butter and icing sugar in a large bowl then add egg and vanilla extract and mix again.

• Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder and add to the bowl; fold it in until it forms a dough. Refrigerate for 30mins.

• Divide the dough into ½ tbsp quantities of dough (don't use more than this or your cookies will end up way too big) and roll out into a log shape.

• Brush both ends with jam and press an almond into one end to form a fingernail, then lightly flour your hands and use them to shape it into a knobbly finger shape. The cookies will spread a little in the oven so you need to make sure that you make them quite thin – thinner than you want the cookies to end up. Use the back of a knife to make indentations in the knuckles to make them look more like fingers.

• Place well spaced on a baking paper lined baking sheet and freezer until frozen solid

• Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F/gas mark 5. Bake the cookies for about 10 minutes, until pale golden. Leave the cookies to cool on the tray. When cool lighty rub with cinnamon or cocoa.


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