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Shrovetide Supper

The meaning of ‘shrove’ was to present oneself to the priest for confession as part of Christian observances on the day before Lent. Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day came about when people would use up rich and indulgent ingredients like eggs, milk, and sugar before the fasting period of Lent. Pancakes were a practical and delicious way to accomplish this. The significance of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday extends beyond religious observance. It has become a cultural event that brings communities together for pancake races, contests, and feasts.

Pancakes don’t just have to have a squeeze of lemon, they can make a delicious and hearty midweek tea too! Here’s our basic savoury pancake recipe and some surprising ways to use them for a delicious dinner!

Basic Savoury Pancake

Makes 8 pancakes:

125g plain flour

2 large eggs

120ml milk

120ml water

1⁄4 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons melted butter

Whisk flour and eggs together in a large mixing bowl; gradually add in milk and water, stirring to combine. Add salt and melted butter; beat until smooth.

Heat a lightly oiled frying pan over medium- high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly.

Cook until the top of the pancake is no longer wet and the bottom has turned light brown, usually 1 to 2 minutes. Run a spatula around the edge of the pan to loosen the pancake; flip and cook until the other side has turned light brown, about 1 minute more.

Surprising Savoury Fillings

Pancake Lasagne:

Using a quiche dish the same diameter of your frying pan, use the pancakes instead of pasta for a lighter lasagne! Alternate layers with lasagne filling (veggie or meat), béchamel sauce & cheese. This dish cooks quicker too at only 30mins in an oven at 180c.

Creamy Chicken & Mushroom Pancakes:

Fry onion, mushrooms & green pepper in a pan. Add cooked chicken pieces, a can of cream of mushroom soup and heat through. Place a pancake on a plate and put a couple of tablespoons of the creamy mixture 2” from the side closest to you. Roll the pancake away from you to seal in the filling. Place in an oven dish and continue filling rolls, placing side by side in the dish until full. Cover with grated cheese and bake for 20-30 mins at 160c until hot through.

Bright Colours!:

Blitz up spinach in a food blender with some water, then top up to 120ml and substitute this for the water in the recipe, your pancakes will be green! Beetroot & butternut squash work well too! Just make sure you replace the water in the recipe with this bright veggie water in the same quantity.


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