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The Easter Pony!

From therapy to parties, the ponies are the professionals in town!

Have you heard of therapy ponies? ‘Miniature Shetland Therapy Ponies’ are a family run business, located in the beautiful little village of Middleton. 

They are passionate about making a difference to the lives of others through the work they do with the help of their little ponies! The effects their little ponies have on the mood of residents in care settings speaks for itself, bringing joy and happiness, helping to recall past memories and experiences for many of the older generation clients especially.Even the most withdrawn residents light up when a pony walks into a room, it is magical!

The ponies are happy to be indoors enjoying their time spent alongside everyone. They wear special diaper bags that help to stop those embarrassing moments and enjoy wearing special boots that help them to grip onto a wide variety of surfaces and protect flooring from hoof prints.

It’s not just the ponies that are lovely! The team volunteer once a month at Acorns Children’s hospice visiting with the ponies and member of the team Pete (not a pony) is doing a sky dive for them in June to help raise money! Keep an eye on their website for details soon on how to donate! You’ll also see them in hospitals on a voluntary basis for special occasions!

Don’t forget they also offer pony parties, where the ponies will bring the missing piece of magic to your special day or event! Visit: for more info!


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