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There To Listen 24/7

This 24th July lend The Samaritans your support.

The Samaritans host an annual event called the "Big Listen" aiming to spotlight the profound impact of active listening in bolstering emotional well-being. As the world grapples with the reverberating effects of the global pandemic, the "Big Listen" serves as a timely reminder of the significance of human connection and empathetic engagement in navigating mental health challenges.

The "Big Listen" invites individuals from all walks of life to engage in meaningful dialogue and extend a compassionate ear to those in need. By fostering an environment of empathy and understanding, this event seeks to break down the barriers of stigma and encourage open conversations surrounding mental health. Active listening is crucial in providing support to individuals who may be enduring emotional turmoil and distress.

The "Big Listen" not only serves as a platform for amplifying the importance of mental health advocacy but also signifies a collective commitment to destigmatise conversations about emotional well-being. By highlighting the potency of genuine human connection in alleviating feelings of isolation and despair, this event harnesses the power of empathy to weave a tapestry of support and solidarity.

To donate directly to Tamworth Samartitans Branch visit:

Image Credits: bi fauxels via


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