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Wonderful Wildlife

Signs of spring to watch out for over the coming weeks!

Spring is a season of renewal and awakening for many of the UK's wildlife species. From birds and insects to mammals and reptiles, there are spring behaviours to observe all around us. Here are some examples:

Mating and Nesting Behaviours: As the weather warms up, many bird species begin their mating rituals. You may notice birds singing, or performing elaborate courtship dances. At the same time, birds and other animals are busy constructing nests and dens for their young.

Emergence of Insects: Spring is the time when many beneficial insects emerge to pollinate plants, including bees, butterflies, and ladybirds. However, it is also a time when certain pests such as aphids and weevils can be problematic for gardeners.

Reptile Activity: As temperatures rise, reptiles such as snakes and lizards emerge from their winter hibernation and bask in the sun to regulate their body temperature.

Deer Rutting Season: In the spring, deer species such as red deer and fallow deer engage in the annual rutting season. Male deer create loud bellows to attract female deer and establish their dominance.

Spring in the UK is an exciting time for wildlife enthusiasts to observe these behaviours and patterns of the natural world. Remember to respect wildlife and their habitats while enjoying these fascinating sights.


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